Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Luminaria Descolada Feita Com Prendedores De Roupa

Luminaire with clothespins
Who does not enjoy legal and easy to make tips! The craftsmanship combined with creativity allows us to have great ideas! The creation of today uses as raw material the clothespins. That's it! We know that are essential in the laundry room of our house parts, most often, we see no other function. Let's learn how to make a  funky lamp with clothespins ! What are we waiting for? Hands on!

  • Wire basket with no background or screen wire;
  • Wall hooks;
  • Wire;
  • Preachers wooden clothes.

Bend the Wire
1 - To start work separate a wire basket with no background. If not, buy a wire screen and form the basket. To unite the edges use the wire braiding between the screen as the image below.
View fixation with wires
2 - Once ready, place the preachers of clothes in the spaces of the screen. Start from the bottom up, the job becomes easier.
Place fasteners
3 - The final result will look like.
See how it is
4 - Take the hooks and attach them to the ceiling around the nipple light.
Attach the light fixture in the ceiling
5 - Separate the wire and attach it to the luminaire and the hook. You can use hooks that 03 is enough.

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