Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Pintura De Tela Criativa Usando Garrafa Pet

Painting with PET bottle
Decoration is an art, is not it? Therefore, work in the business and still have fun is priceless! Reuse of materials, we got a very nice decorative effect on various parts. Just a little imagination and creativity get the job very original. Thinking about reusing materials, today's post will teach how to paint a canvas and a simple and easy way, using a PET bottle. This is a very interesting activity for kids, they will like and will learn a lot. Recalling that the colors are your choice, here just give an idea of ​​how the work should be done. Hands on!

  • White screen;
  • PET bottle empty and clean;
  • Paints for drawing flowers and twigs (any color of your choice);
  • Brush.

Paint the branches
1) Paint the trunk and branches of the tree using a medium brush. Wait drying.
Wet pet bottle
2) Once dry, pass the bottom of PET bottle in a container (which may be a disposable small plate), wetting it as pictured above.
Press against the paper
3) Once that is done, carefully pull off the bottom of PET bottle on the screen where the flowers will be. Do this branch to branch.
Is ready
4) The end effect is this. Is pretty and delicate!

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